The Malku Su
The Malku Su – a strong and hardy people twice the height of Asken folk – come from an island which most Asken folk call Malku island or the Malku lands. There, the climate is much harsher than in Braided Shore, with storms and seasons of snow, and where the south of the island is covered in majestic mountains.
A love for spicy and well-seasoned food is a hallmark of Malku Su culture. In that vein, the game of hahtat – which is a hot food eating competition – is a Malku Su invention. The Malku Su also favour physical prowess. For example, they have an ancient tradition of competitive wrestling.
In the homeland of the Malku Su, trade does not work as it does in Braided Shore – it is coin-based, rather than mostly bartering. Coins of alabaster, stamped with the mark of the Malku oracle, are used to represent trade value, due to the rarity of the rock in Malku lands.
The Malku Su also have strong gift-giving customs – something to keep in mind if one is looking for companionship with one.